Rail Safety

Pts dccr initial


Following successful completion of the PTS AC Practical day, candidates are eligible to attend this module should they be required to work in areas where conductor rails are present (3rd and 4th rail).

Course Information

Course Length: 1Day

Courses Primary Objectives;

  • Describe the principles of the DC Electrified system.
  • Identify the main components of the DC conductor rail system.
  • Identify hazards and risks associated with being near or adjacent to the DC conductor rail.
  • Describe how to transit tools and equipment safely across the DC conductor rail.
  • Describe defects that would render insulated tools and equipment unfit for purpose.
  • Identify hazards associated with working within DC isolations.
  • Describe the work safe and emergency response procedures
  • Demonstrate how to inspect insulated tools before use.
  • Demonstrate the correct application and removal of conductor rail shields.
  • Identify defective tools and shields.
  • dentify the three risk control areas as stated in NR/L3/MTC/EP0152.
  • Demonstrate how to cross the conductor rail safely.
  • Explain how to safely transit tools, materials and equipment within the DC electrified area.
  • Demonstrate how to apply a Track Circuit Operating Clip safely.

1.Welcome and Introduction, Course Arrangements, Course Aims and Objectives, Electrical Power Transmission, DC Conductor Rail Power Distribution, Electrical Control Rooms, DC Conductor Rail and Components Dangers, Transiting tools and equipment, Crossing the Line, Application of Equipment, Working in DC Isolations, Tools and Equipment, Incidents, Worksafe Procedure and Incident Response.

2.Practical and Knowledge Assessment.

Upon successful completion of the course, the candidate will have the competency PTS DCCR added to their Sentinel Card.
